Transforming Culture
Culture exists within an organization, and yet can be very difficult to define without careful probing and introspection. All too often, this important work gets pushed aside due to perceived higher priorities, bad timing, or because of the lack of energy to fully engage.
Cultures That Produce High-Performing Organizations Do Not Just Happen.
They are brought into existence by leaders who see the power of culture in creating results, and approach culture as strategically as any other top priority. Ask yourself: Do we have the culture we need for the impact we want? Is our current culture limiting our ability to do our best work?
Our work specializes in helping leaders understand their culture and the ways in which it either favorably serves or limits the organization’s potential. We pay attention to how you operate internally, engage with your partners, and the impact you have on the world.
Shifting Culture Is Possible Through Strong and Effective Leadership.
This takes time, attention, communication, and clarity. It requires relationships and trust among and between levels, divisions, and people. Transformational Leadership Partners will work with you and your people with complete respect and support to disrupt what is not serving you.
We Say That “Context is Decisive”.
Transformational Leadership Partners has a proven methodology and unparalleled ability to deliver a transformation in organizational culture. Our approach to changing culture starts with creating an organizational shared context for your future, transforming organizational blind spots and reshaping business mindsets, systems, and structures to align with the newly designed culture. When this is accomplished, processes and structural changes will stick and resistance will disappear.
Enabling a winning performance culture requires leaders and organizations to complete the past, envision a new future, engage the hearts and minds of people, and make it real by empowering a robust implementation approach that produces results.
Our Approach Includes:
Assessing the current conditions and identifying the elements of your culture that are creating barriers to success
Powerfully completing the past in a way that loosens its grip on the future
Establishing a shared leadership context
Mobilizing strategic teams
Leveraging the organization’s values for culture change
Integrating cultural goals into business processes
Coaching leaders to lead the change
Ensuring individual performance to the new culture
Unlike other companies who leave you with little more than a binder and guidelines, together, in real time, we lay the foundation for a new culture to transform your business results.
When you get culture right, you and your team will experience shared direction, strong alignment, and sustainable engagement. When employees can do their best work, impact follows.
See What People Are Saying About TLP
Producing Transformational Outcomes by Removing Hidden Barriers
A semiconductor company engaged Transformational Leadership Partners to help shift the way their engineering teams related to each other so that they could drive improved performance.
The culture of competition among groups and lack of shared goals and collaboration was impeding results. The executives asked TLP to help create a high level of collaboration and break down the silos across the different divisions of the organization. Executives thought if the middle managers could be “fixed,” the results would follow.
Uncovering What it Takes to Deliver Results
TLP conducted a series of interviews as part of a needs assessment to determine where things were working, not working or missing, and brought our findings to the executives.
Once the top leaders understood the organization’s real weaknesses and the impact on results, they stood in their commitment that their teams collaborate and share accountability, which included role modeling how the executives related to each other and worked as a collaborative team.
The executives owned what was happening and why. They recognized that the culture needed to shift from one that valued competition among divisions to one that valued collaboration and shared accountability.
They demonstrated leadership for measuring accountability, for being clear on what needed to change and for bringing the parties to the game.
Getting Clear on What Is Needed
TLP conducted workshops with leaders from throughout the organization and addressed how to create partnerships, sharing resources, shared accountability, and standing for something bigger than the silos in which the different teams lived.
We also worked with individual leaders and teams who soon became adept at making requests and promises to each other, and became partners in each other’s success.
TLP brought the language and practices for accountability and results and a process that brought tangible activities for performance to reflect these values.
All new possibilities begin with a conversation.
Let’s get on the phone to discuss your specific goals and commitments. We would love to explore the ways our team of world-class consultants can help turn your leadership challenges and cultural conflicts into breakthrough results.